Episode 223: The Reality of White-pleasing and its Effects

Downplaying racism. Changing one's name or appearance. Laughing at a racist joke. Choosing only white friends. These are "white-pleasing" behaviors. We all have seen it. We all have done it. Some people have internalized it more than others. White-pleasing is a way of seeking the approval of white people and white society. 

In this show, podcast host, Ama-Robin, discusses the origins of white-pleasing as a coping, strategic, and survival tool. She will also discuss the different kinds of white-pleasing behaviors and how they can affect one's mental health. We will discuss real-life scenarios--including Ama-Robin's personal experience!--that show how white-pleasing is an integral part of living Black in a majority-white society.

Time to get real. No judgments or criticism. 

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Episode 224: Racial Isolation at School: Unmasking this Unspoken Struggle


Episode 222: True Story: 86-year old Black woman harassed in department store