Episode 27: All Oppression is Wrong: The Neglected Struggles of the Black LGBTQ Community

We are celebrating Pride Month. Pride Month is so important because it acknowledges huge change for the LGBT+ community, as well as the wider societal implications. This is positive and powerful. Yet the LGBT+ community still faces discrimination, hate, and violence. And the Black LGBT+ community experiences these problems at a higher rate but with less access to legal recourse and support. Unfortunately, these unique Black LGBT+ problems are written out of the general LGBT+ narrative and the systemic racism discussion. This leaves Black LGBT+ people--especially Black Trans women--in a vulnerable and dangerous position, leading to disproportionate levels of incarceration, poverty, homeless and violence. In this ground-breaking episode, Robin and Hans identify these problems, consider possible solutions, and discuss how Black activists and LGBT+ activists can work together for the advancement and safety of all their communities.

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Episode 28: Who are America's Black Founders?


Episode 26: A Nigerian Fable on Gratitude