Episode 105: Medical Racism in the Treatment of Black Women

Anarcha, Betsey, Lucy, Henrietta Lacks. Numerous un-named free and enslaved Black women. What do these women have in common? They experienced health problems. They needed medical assistance. They were used and exploited by the American medical community. Since slavery in the United States, the American medical community has treated Black women as “medical specimens” to pioneer medical treatment and surgical developments. This practice did not end with the abolition of slavery. In this uncommon episode, the Espresso Talk Today team will meet with medical historian, Professor Deirdre Cooper Wells, to discuss her book Medical Bondage. She will explain how the racist beliefs that affected Black enslaved women are still present in the treatment of Black women today. Professor Cooper Wells will also discuss how to identify these practices and protect yourself from them. Join us for this important talk.

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Episode 106: The Hidden Story of America's Black Founders


Episode 104: John Henryism 1: How Systemic Racism affects Black Health