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International Day of Peace

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Peace is possible. Throughout history, most societies have lived in peace most of the time.

Today, we are much less likely to die in war than our parents or grandparents. Since the

establishment of the United Nations and the creation of the Charter of the United Nations,

governments are obligated not to use force against others unless they are acting in self-

defense or have been authorized by the UN Security Council to proceed.

Life is better in a world where peace exists and, today, we look to those who have been

peacemakers and peacekeepers to learn what we can each do individually to make the

world a more peaceful place. Find ways that you can contribute to world peace.

September 12

National Grandparents Day

September 24

Podcast: Interview with Professor Sherman James on Identifying John Henryism and/or the effects of Systemic Racism on Black Health