Sunday, March 20, 2022
Storytelling is a true art! Storytelling has roots deeply based in African culture as a means of teaching and entertaining. Storytelling also brings the community together. Elders tell stories to the young. Parents tell stories to their children. Children tell stories to each other. It is a wonderful way for families to connect and for communities to support and uplift each other. Griots (master storytellers) are revered in African culture for their skills and wisdom. This tradition has been brought to America too. We have many great African American storytellers! The Espresso Talk Today team honors Black storytellers today for keeping this great tradition alive and for passing on the skill and history to the next generations. Our stories must be remembered and told! Click here to listen to Master Storyteller Gran’ Daddy Junebug recite “sto-etry” by Paul Laurence Dunbar. Click here for a great discussion and iconic stories by Master storyteller, Mama Edie. We honor you today and every day!