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National Son’s Day

Friday, March 4, 2022

National Sons Day on March 4th honours the sons of the world and those who raise them.

Around the world, slightly more sons are born than daughters. Both bring joy to families. When it comes to our children, our rambunctious sons grow into adulthood. Some are soft-spoken and gentle. Others with a spark of curiosity fill every hour with questions, some unanswerable.

Sons hold a very special place in Black families. As children, they captivate us with their curiosity, energy, and uniqueness. As they grow into teenagers, we feel their strength, support, and protection. In adulthood, Black sons grow into husbands, fathers, uncles, and mentors. But they are always sons. They face special difficulties because society does not always show the value for Black men and boys. But Black families recognize and acknowledge our sons and their value and importance in our lives.

Whether your son is living on the planet or living with the ancestors, let’s honour the special love, wisdom, and strength that our sons have brought into our life.

Special Poem Reading for Black Sons

March 2

Teen Mental Wellness Day

March 20

World Storytelling Day