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World Teachers Day

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Education has always been important in the Black community and teachers are on the front lines of this movement. In the past, many Black children had Black teachers. Today, Black teachers (particularly Black male teachers) are less common. This has a direct effect on the learning abilities and self-esteem and confidence of Black children. Studies show that Black students learn better with Black teachers. Studies also show that Black teachers have higher expectations of Black students than White teachers. Black students need Black teachers.  Check out Every Child Needs a Black Teacher Project. Black teachers must be supported and cherished as they often act as “surrogate parents” as well as advisors, counsellors, and educators.

International Teachers Day, World Teachers Day is held yearly on October 5. Since its set up in 1994, the day celebrates the marking of the ” teaching in Freedom” in 1996. Last year the theme was “Engaging Teachers”. It is observed all over the world over since 1994 after the UNESCO Recommendation concerning Teachers. Let us protect (wear a mask!) and support Black teachers and educators as they tirelessly and selflessly work to educate our children. Teaching is a powerful form of activism and we should support them as they help adult-learners and children work towards a better future.

October 4

National Child Health Day

October 10

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