Everyday Discrimination Scale on Workplace Discrimination and Harassment (EDDS)

Please consider how often you experienced them during the LAST 12 MONTHS.

  1. How often are you UNFAIRLY given the jobs that no one else wants to do?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  2. At work, when different opinions would be helpful‚ how often is your opinion not asked for?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  3. How often are you watched more closely than others?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  4. How often does your supervisor or boss use racial or ethnic slurs or jokes?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  5. How often does your supervisor or boss direct racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  6. How often do your coworkers use racial or ethnic slurs or jokes?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  7. How often do your coworkers direct racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  8. How often do you feel that you have to work twice as hard as others work?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  9. How often do you feel that you are ignored or not taken seriously by your boss?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  10. How often do others assume that you work in a lower status job than you do and treat you as such?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  11. How often has a coworker with less experience and fewer qualifications gotten promoted before you?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

  12. How often have you been unfairly humiliated in front of others at work?

    • 1 = Once a week or more

    • 2 = A few times a month

    • 3 = A few times a year

    • 4 = Less than once a year

    • 5 = Never

Total Score:

Interpretation of Scores:

  • 12-36: High Frequency of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

  • 37-60: Moderate Frequency of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

  • 61-84: Low Frequency of Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

Low Frequency (12-36):

If your score falls within the low-frequency range, it suggests that you have reported experiencing a relatively low level of workplace discrimination and harassment over the past 12 months. This can be seen as a positive indicator, indicating that you have encountered fewer instances of unfair treatment, racial slurs, jokes, or other forms of discrimination in your workplace environment.

However, even with a low-frequency score, it's important to acknowledge that any experience of discrimination or harassment is unacceptable and can have negative consequences for your well-being and work performance. It's crucial to remain vigilant and address any instances of discrimination or harassment if they do occur, even if they occur infrequently.

Additionally, a low-frequency score does not mean that workplace discrimination and harassment are nonexistent in your workplace or industry. It's essential to continue advocating for a respectful and inclusive work environment for yourself and your colleagues.

Moderate Frequency (37-60):

A moderate-frequency score indicates that you have reported experiencing a moderate level of workplace discrimination and harassment over the past 12 months. This suggests that you have encountered a notable number of instances of unfair treatment, racial slurs, jokes, or other forms of discrimination in your workplace environment.

A moderate-frequency score may be concerning, as it indicates that discrimination and harassment are occurring with some regularity in your workplace. It's essential to take these experiences seriously and address them appropriately, whether through internal channels such as HR or external resources if necessary.

This score may also indicate systemic issues within the workplace culture or organizational policies that contribute to discrimination and harassment. It's important to advocate for change and work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful work environment for yourself and your colleagues.

High Frequency (61-84):

A high-frequency score suggests that you have reported experiencing a high level of workplace discrimination and harassment over the past 12 months. This indicates that you have encountered a significant number of instances of unfair treatment, racial slurs, jokes, or other forms of discrimination in your workplace environment.

A high-frequency score is concerning and may indicate systemic issues within the workplace culture or organizational policies that contribute to discrimination and harassment. It's essential to take these experiences seriously and address them promptly and effectively, whether through internal channels such as HR or external resources if necessary.

Additionally, a high-frequency score can have significant negative consequences for your well-being, job satisfaction, and work performance. It's crucial to prioritize self-care and seek support from trusted individuals or professionals if you're experiencing distress as a result of workplace discrimination and harassment.

Overall, regardless of your EDDS score, it's important to advocate for a workplace environment that is respectful, inclusive, and free from discrimination and harassment.


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